Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Italian Vogue Models Will Be On Tyra!!

I'm excited to reveal that the beautiful black faces you've seen bless the pages of the July Issue of Italian Vogue will make guest appearances on an upcoming episode of the Tyra Banks Show. Yay! I know some of you may dismiss Tyra's show and say that she tries to hard, but I honestly love the show and watch it as faithfully as I can. Tyra has definitely adjusted to the hosting role and her show is much more personable and fun to watch, not to mention the chick is fierce and she has a way of rubbing off positively on her audience, viewers, and guests. Hey, she taught me how to smile with my eyes and has taken me very far. Now walking down the streets I dont have to hear men yelling 'You forgot something...your smile!' because it's all in the eyes, kind of similar to a smirk. Thanks Tyra. Here's some of the photos taken of the beauties while they were in NY.

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